Saturday, February 20, 2010

Old time favorites!

Have you ever just craved something you hadn't had in FOREVER???
I mean like the ponytail on the side of your head, New Kids on the Block shirt wearing, L.A. Gear shoe pumping kinda forever!
This week has been like flash back food week! We had Tuna Casserole, classic I know...and Sloppy Joes(I like to call them Sloppy Hoe's) <---Tee he he, and just some simple Nathan's Hot Dogs with Chili, onions, and cheese. Isn't it crazy how sometimes the flavor of food or smell can take you back in time! I love that about can be SO personal and comforting on top of being super delicious and filling!
And the other thing I LOVE about cooking, is the passing down of recipes...or sticking to family favorites. I remember my Sister always liking Tuna Casserole. I remember my Mom making it for her whenever she would come to visit. And Sloppy Joes...I remember eating dinner with my Hubby and his Dad, and that being a regular meal for us to all enjoy. Ahhh...memories :)

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