Sunday, February 28, 2010

Classic Spaghetti with Meat Sauce

Isn't it great some times to just go back to the basics and make a dinner that is SO easy yet super delicious!?!?! For me that dinner is Spaghetti! I just love a simple bowl with some parmesean and cheesy garlic bread...mmmm...talking about this is making me want 2nds! he he he

I have yet to perfect my own sauce, but I do enjoy adding some things to my favorite Barilla Marinara Sauce. I usually finely dice 1/2 an onion and since we are garlic lovers here, I use 4 cloves of garlic! lol...needless to say vampires will not be visiting us on spaghetti night :)

Also with my onions and garlic I use about a teaspoon of sugar. What sugar does to a sauce is help cut the acidity. I think it gives it a more rounded flavor.<---Food Network here I come! Then just of course cook the beef and add the sauce and simmer till flavors meld and Ta-Da!!! Just for taste bud teasing purposes I have included a pic...he he he...enjoy! Oh, and if any of you have a homemade sauce recipe, I would LOVE to hear it...thanks!


  1. Yum!!! You rock! I want to come to dinner some
    night. It sounds amazing! Also your food would
    look a lot better (not sure how since it looks pretty
    appetizing already) with a good camera and
    lens. Just a thought. I am in no way shape or form
    criticizing it but wanted to suggest that.

  2. I couldn't agree more Christine! to just convince my Hubby :)

    I take those pics with my I know...ha ha ha...we should do a M.N.I. dinner thing where we all bring a dish or something...wouldn't that be delicious!
